The African American Board Leadership Institute partners with organizations across the state to provide outstanding professional development opportunities to individuals and nonprofit organizations in the community. The workshops are designed for lifelong learners who wish to share ideas and maintain ongoing membership in the organization.
What happens when a negative post appears on your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter pages? What if someone using your nonprofit’s hashtag launches a hashtag brand jack campaign that goes viral? What is your response if a celebrity supporter Tweets a joke that no one thinks is funny? Has a former employee ever shared confidential data about your donors or board members on social media?
The NCM Network and the African American Board Leadership Institute (AABLI) will prepare you to handle social media crises like these at their upcoming panel discussion and workshop. Be ready for the unexpected: sign up today.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Check-in and light breakfast 8:30-9 am
Program 9-10am
Interactive Workshop 10-10:30am
Q&A/Networking 10:30-11am
(Program ends promptly at 11am)
VENUE: California Community Foundation
Joan Palevsky Center
221 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90012 (MAP)
* Paul Kadzielski, Digital Director, Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
Twitter: @MayorOfLA and @PaulKLA
* Jan Masaoka, CEO, California Association of Nonprofits (San Francisco)
Twitter: @CalNonprofits and @janmasaoka
* Isaac Puga-Phillips, Executive Director of Digital Marketing, City of Hope
Twitter: @cityofhope and @isaacphill
* Tracy Sestili, Vice President of Growth Marketing, SparkPost (San Francisco)
Twitter: @SparkPost and @tracysestili and @socialstrand
PANEL DISCUSSION MODERATOR: Debbie Laskey, MBA, Brand Marketing/PR/Social Media Consultant and NCM Network Board Member (Twitter: @DebbieLaskeyMBA)
WORKSHOP MODERATOR: Victoire “Vickie” Prothro, Manager of Communications and Marketing, AABLI and NCM Network Board Member
WORKSHOP DETAILS AND REQUEST: Has your nonprofit experienced a social media crisis? We will discuss your examples with panelists and attendees.
AABLI / NCM Network Members = $40
Non-Members = $50
RSVP DEADLINE: 5pm on Monday, March 20, 2017
PARKING: Free parking is provided. Enter garage from Figueroa Street (between 2nd and 3rd Streets) and take a ticket. A validation ticket will be provided at the check-in table upon arrival – use the validation ticket with entry ticket at automatic machine before exiting garage.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, these programs are open to the public.