Written by: Eugene Boykins
AABLI Founding Board Member
Are you ready for your personal “New Beginnings Plan”? Are you enthusiastic about serving others? If so, the African American Board Leadership Institute (AABLI) might be your solution.
A decade ago, two community leaders—Virgil Roberts and Yvette Chappell-Ingram—had a passion and a vision for new board service beginnings. They convinced an experienced group of Black people from business, education, nonprofit foundations, government entities, finance and banking to help make it real.
With the support of a few visionary foundations and sponsors, the African American Board Leadership Institute offered its first Board Leadership class, taught by a group of outstanding subject experts and instructors.
Given the circumstances in the country and in our communities over the past several months, it’s clear that now is the time for other beginnings. It is time to give back, applying your skills, talents and passions to solving problems and seizing opportunities.
Hundreds of AABLI graduates are using, and have used, their board knowledge to make a difference. Choose AABLI to get the best board training experience anywhere.
AABLI is currently developing innovative programs and partnerships with corporate and nonprofitorganizations. This means more opportunities for AABLI graduates, so stay tuned!
Visit the aabli.org website to learn more. You can also support AABLI’s mission with an online donation to the new Yvette Chappell-Ingram Leadership Legacy Fund, which honors AABLI’s recently retired co-founder and first president.
Start your new personal beginnings plan by signing up for African American Board Leadership Institute programs today. See you in the boardroom!
This blog is not written by aabli.org or The African American Board Leadership Institute. The author is solely responsible for the content.